Saturday, November 17, 2012

Worship in Pattaya - Chris

Our time finally came to lead worship here in Pattaya.  I had been really looking forward to it and to see how God would move and He definately did not dissapoint!!  Our first set was on the Bali Hai Pier down at the end of "Walking street".  I was in awe and extremely humbled that I (we) would be given the opportunity by God to lead worship in a foreign country where the enemy has such a strong hold on the people when it comes to their religion and the most popular tourist attraction in Pattaya, human trafficking.  We had a sweet time at the pier but our next stop was in the heart of the darkness on a street called Soi 6.  Here is where Tamar ministries has a small outpost of hope for the girls.  Soi 6 is one of the most popular trafficking streets in Pattaya. The street itself must be about a half mile long with absolutely every inch of it lined with girls waiting to go to work.  My heart was broken and I was ready to pierce the darkness with worship!!  Cheryl did an awesome job leading us and we sang worshipped our hearts out.  I have to say it was one of the sweetest worship experiences I have ever had and I really felt the presence of the Lord in a mighty way.  I am pretty sure there was not much business going on there that night!!  One of the local ladies, who by the way is starting up a ministry to stop the issue of human trafficking at its roots with children and families, was there and shared with us that as she was worshipping she saw a picture of Jesus with a big urn of pure water at one end of Soi 6 and as we began to worship Jesus took the urn, lifted it up and whipped the water down the narrow street. The water came through like a raging flood and began to wash away all the crud.  As I really thought about this and how cool a picture it was I felt like God gave me more to the picture. As Jesus did this He was also washing away loneliness, sadness, emptyness, pain, and a host of other things that go along with this type of darkness.  Then it got really cool because Jesus didn't just leave them like that.  He followed up the flood Himself walking down the street passing out forgiveness, acceptance, peace, joy, hope and especially unconditional LOVE.  We hope pray and expect that this will happen soon on the street of Soi 6, the city of Pattaya, and the whole country of Thailand
Thank you again and again for those that especially covered the worship times in prayer.  There was no doubt that those prayers were answered in an awesome way.
We are sad we are leaving tomorrow because there is so much work to be done here.  We know our time is done (for now) and are anxious to see our friends and family again. 
Please pray for safe and good flights as we head home.

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