Friday, November 9, 2012

Traveling Days!

24 hours of traveling.  I'm always in awe being in the sky.  We were able to look out and see the snow peaked Teeton mountains as we were flying into Seattle.  It was beautiful.  We had some time to read, worship, watch some movies, a little bit of sleep and on the last flight a whole lot of eating.  We were laughing hysterically at the amount of food they thought we should consume in a 10 hour time frame on our Seattle-Tokyo flight, but also enjoyed the tastes of Japan.  We were stuffed.  We met a group traveling to Myanmar on a mission trip also.  It was neat to connect and bless them in Tokyo before they headed out.  We should have been on the same flight with them, but that didn't quite work out.  So now we're seeing a bit of Tokyo as we wait for another flight in the morning.  Missing the rest of the team, but know we'll get there soon.

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