Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Time with the villagers and their kids

Our time with the Villagers is hard to put into words.  

Hopefully the pictures can express how much of a blessing it was for us to minister there in Jesus name.   As with many things in life, our purpose for going to the village was multifaceted - but one of those facets is this: the majority of women and girls forced into prostitution in the cities, come from the villages.  Just this fact alone is reason enough to cherish every single second with every little boy and girl in Non Ta Ko.

It was our intention to bring to light the God given value in each and every little heart, and to show that value to every adult in the village who was willing to see it!  We played games with the kids, listened as they sang praise songs, lead them in some english praise songs, and then ate dinner with them and some adults.

The dinner, by the way, was THE BEST food many of us have had here! (for me, that is saying a a lot, because I love the food here).  It was Omelets over rice with a spicy green chili sauce added to your liking.  No joke, Yoyo scooped 4 spoonfuls onto his.  I was sweating profusely with just one.

Before we arrived in Non Ta Ko, we stopped in another small village to pray over two followers of Jesus there.  We prayed over Yi Tem, a grandmother who was taking care of two teens, but had recently fallen and hurt her heart, causing swelling.  We found out later that, when she was in the hospital, they had to use the AED machine on her.  Everyone thought she was gone but God still has plans for her here!

Her heart area was in pain from the swelling.  We prayed and asked if God took the pain away.  The pain had lessened, so we kept praying.  Tooktik and Apfükru were there to translate our prayers for us.  When we were finished praying she said that she felt totally relaxed.  She was such a truly beautiful woman!  

After dinner, we took time to pray over every adult who was there.  I think most were already followers of Jesus, and some were not.  Before praying, we shared John 14.  

We prayed for one blind man - that he would be able to see again! He lost his sight at age 7 because of a deficiency of some kind.  Jesus didn't decide to heal his sight, but we saw that Jesus really wanted to hold him in his arms! We hugged him hard!

Afterwards, we said SEE YOU LATER to the Tamar Center Korat team.  It was hard to say goodbye to them because God had obviously very quickly fastened our hearts close together!  I pray that we get to minister with them again.  For their account of our time together, check out their blog here:

The van ride was incredibly hilarious.  We broke out in uproarious laughter numerous times.  We just assumed you all were continuing to pray Joy over us! :-D

Thank you so much!

Please pray that our time in Pattaya will aid in the pushing back of the darkness that has already begun! 

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