Saturday, November 10, 2012

After about 18 hours of flying and a 12 hour time change, we arrived in Bangkok, Thailand.  Tired and in need of much sleep...then after a good nights rest we are up today ready to go!  We are still waiting for Chris and Sherry to arrive later this after, as they did get a flight this morning from Tokyo:)  This morning we met up with Pastor Phaitoon and had a great time listening to him share what God has been doing and what God is placing in his heart for Thailand.  He then prayed for us and we got to bless him as well.  It was a powerful time and many of us are still processing all that was said and things that happened during this time.  It was an amazing beginning to our trip her in Thailand.  Then we went to McDonalds with Pastor Phaitoon and shared some more before he headed home.
We will meet as a group to pray and worship this afternoon at 4:30 (4:30 AM your time).  Then we will grab some dinner and seek where God would want to take us this evening, please join us in praying for us to be clearly hear His directions.  We feel like Holy Spirit will guide us every step of the way as we are hear, if we just focus and listen to what He is doing around us and where He is taking us.  So excited to see all God is up in each of us and in those around us!

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