Peace Promise Thai Trip 2012
Friday, December 22, 2017
Many Thanks and Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Scandalous Grace
I can still see him. Big and strong with an almost-shaved head. Steve looked tired, yet his eyes never seemed to blink. They were fixed on what was happening on and in front of his club's stage. Early on, there seemed to be some nervousness. As the night went on, it seemed to turn into curiosity and wonder. [See my previous post for more on that night.]
He is one of the people I can't stop thinking about and praying for since returning. It was the purest experience I've ever had of seeing someone through the Heavenly Father's eyes and the finished work that Jesus' accomplished on the cross.
It's hard to explain. I couldn't stop smiling when we spoke. There was no judgment or condemnation in my heart. I felt nothing but love for the guy. Two weeks later, it's still the same. It's like the Father said, "Here, see Steve the way I see him... I love him."
Ephesians 2:1-10 guides my prayer for Steve:
"And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience—among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
This whole passage gets me excited, but that last sentence gets me super pumped. God absolutely has a plan for Steve. See, God has a track record of taking people who are written-off by society and using them to do mighty things. I believe God will use Steve to radically transform that city.
I believe that before He flung the universe into existence, He knew the mistakes Steve would make. He was not surprised when Steve moved to Pattaya and opened that club seven years ago. He knew the emptiness and pain that would result. This is my story. This is your story.
So, what did God do? He sacrificed His own perfect Son, whom He loved more than we can comprehend, so that Steve, you and I could drink deeply of the truth of His love and grace, propelled forward by it and in it so that we can walk in the good works He prepared for us to do.
God's grace is absolutely scandalous. It's beyond extravagant.
I pray Steve will never forget that night when believers from around the world gathered together in his club and worshiped Jesus. I pray that night will be forever burned into his memory likes his face is burned into mine; that instead of being condemned, he was loved.
God loves Steve so much. I hope to visit him again some day and will continue to pray for him. In the meantime, it's also my prayer that I will see every person I meet the way God sees them; with the same love in my heart that compelled Jesus to seek out the notorious sinners and oppressors of the day. And that's my prayer for you, too.
1 Timothy 1:15-17...
"And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all long-suffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen."
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
It's Just Beginning. - Sherry
After spending 40 hours in airports and planes I could not have been more thankful for a shower and a nice warm bed last night. Thank you to all who supported us with prayers and financially as we took this journey of faith. It was awesome to see God work out every detail. I was in awe of the connections that we made, and how God orchestrated every aspect of this trip. To see God connect us with incredible people in Thailand and ask us to support and bless them in their work. The time and energy that these people are giving out daily for the fight against human trafficking is incredible. Our team just gave 10 days of our lives, but these people live it every day. May God give them strength, provide them with finances and bless them as families as they unselfishly give day after day.
I could write for days about all that transpired on this journey. And the journey started over a year ago, when a group of us, some hesitantly said, "yes, I will go to Thailand." We had no idea that stepping foot on Thailand ground wouldn't happen for another year. But the wait was worth it. The details of all that we did, all those we connected with could not have happened had we not waited a year. So, whatever journey God has asked you to say yes to, know that He has the perfect timing in mind. He knows when it needs to take place. I still don't believe this journey is over. Our Thailand story and adventure will continue. Now, it's time to share all of our stories, all that took place. I could write forever about what we saw, who we touched, and the life changing experiences that we encountered. The stories of the girls who are trapped in a world of darkness break my heart as their faces are forever etched in my mind. The joy that was on children's faces as they played in their dusty streets, not knowing if their future would be bright, or send them into a world of hurt and pain. We as a group had the privilege of seeing the journey of human trafficking. Starting in a small village of children who don't have a lot of hope in their future, then journeying into the lives of girls who have been abused and can't go "home" because those who are to care for them are the very ones who have hurt them and sent them away. And then onto the streets of the Red Light district, where selling themselves seems to be the only way to survive. Although our 10 day trip is over, this journey into helping end this cycle will never end. We had the incredible opportunity to end our trip with two beautiful ladies, Angel & Yo Yo. They are in the process of going back to Angel's home village which lies in the Issan villages and are helping to educate the children there. This is where it all starts, many of the girls come out of the Issan villages without hope. They think that selling themselves will bring some income to their families and get them out of poverty, yet, instead a cycle begins of hurt and bondage. To be able to educate and stop this cycle within the villages is where my heart lies. To stop it before the hurt begins, the abuse is ongoing, and their sense of worth is shattered.
This journey for us is just beginning, it didn't stop with us touching down on a plane back in the states. I don't know what God has in store next, but I'm willing to say yes. If I can save just one child from the life of abuse it will all be worth it. The stories that are going through my head I could probably write about for months, and yet to put on paper all that transpired seems impossible; the smells, sounds and emotions can never quite be captured. Yet, the journey must be shared. The stories of the people we encountered must be told. I think all of the group would be willing to say - please let me come and share with you all that happened. So please, ask us to tell you a story. To tell you all about this incredible journey. To share individually, in groups or in congregations, we'd love to give you a small taste of all that God has done.
Thank you so much for taking this journey with us. To feel the support of so many back home has been incredible. To watch the details of this trip come together makes me stand in awe. I hope your life has been touched as you have shared this trip with us, and I hope that you'll be excited to hear that the journey is not over, that maybe a chapter has ended, but the whole story is not complete. We hope that many of you will be a part of the next chapters, whatever they may hold.
God Bless,
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Friday Night - Mark's View
On Friday night, as others have mentioned, we went to a particular club on Walking Street as a continuation of the Pattaya Praise movement.
I was not sure what to expect. All sorts of questions went through my mind as the songtao weaved around people, vendors and parked vehicles on our way to the club.
Did the club owner really understand that he invited a bunch of Jesus followers to worship, dance and rejoice in His goodness? Were the bands actually going to lead times of gathered worship while "customers" and the girls paired up, inhaled Hookah, closed deals and walked away into the night? Would the girls pursue me and the other men in our group? How would we, as men, remain pure in the midst of seductively dressed girls and women? Was it ok to make eye contact and express my Heavenly Father's pure love with a genuine smile of acceptance? Would that confuse them? How would my wife, Cheryl, feel? What would the women on our team do? Could they speak with the girls while they were "working"? Would the club owner kick us out if we tried to interact with the girls and kept them from the "customers"? What about the language barrier?
I could go on.
We arrived at the club around 5:30pm while it was still daylight. During the daytime, Walking Street is actually pretty quiet. Things were relatively calm at this point, though the sexually overt signs were already bright with neon and lights. The girls and "ladyboys" were beginning to gather within their respective establishments. By the time we left around 11pm, Walking Street was in full-on chaos mode. I don't want to go into any more detail than that.
This particular club was open (no walls) on two sides; the front side that faced Walking Street and the side that opened to a cross street on the left. If you walk straight into the club from Walking Street, you step up onto a raised patio with tables, couches and chairs. This is where most of the working girls hung out. As you continue into the covered space, there is a pool table, lots of gathering height tables and stools where the girls also sat and moved about. This is where you also saw the Hookah, a flavored tobacco that is inhaled unfiltered through water using some sort of device. Many of the girls and staff took turns inhaling at different times throughout the night.
Straight ahead against the back wall is a raised stage with lighting and a serious sound system. To the right is the bar where all sorts of drinks are available. The wall opposite the bar (on the left as you enter the club) is open air. Along this area and on the street are nice tables and chairs for sitting.
A DJ from Holland started things off with his own creative mix of deep, booming bass electronica and uplifting vocal samples. This was followed by a Dutch band named Salt, who led a time of upbeat gathered worship. They blew out the subwoofers on the first song! After a quick system reset, things were back up and running.
Several other bands followed, including teams from the Phillipines, Thailand, a multinational band of students representing 9 countries and Ian Hannah's team from Northern Ireland. The DJ, Salt and the "Irish team" were my favorites. Musically, their arrangements were original and truly excellent, which was really important for what we were trying to do.
At one point, I turned to Cody and said, "We are not trying to reach the people who sit in pews." No, this was a night to bring joy, love, acceptance and a taste of God's goodness to an atmosphere thick with fear, despair, brokenness, loneliness, lust, insecurity and abuse.
About half of the songs were what you might recognize as songs for "gathered worship." Just about everything was arranged in such a way that a non-believer would be able to come in, sit down, order a beverage and enjoy. It was fascinating to watch... Their heads would start to bob or their feet would start to tap. Eventually, they would realize that they didn't know ANY of the songs, but a whole bunch of the people there DID and they were singing at the top of their lungs, dancing, laughing and having a great time. They could see "Seek Jesus" written on some of their t-shirts.
Then they started to catch the words. For example:
"We are here for you, we are here for you...
Every heart is open
Nothing here is hidden
You are our one desire
You alone are worthy
Only you are holy
Let your fire fall
You're welcome in this place!
You're welcome in this place!
Almighty God of Love, you're welcome in this place!"
I'm actually getting choked up as I type this during the flight from Bangkok to Dubai.
You see, these were people that would NEVER set foot in a church. If the music wasn't excellent, they would have kept walking on to the next club. People were drawn in to the party. It was unlike anything else in all of Pattaya that night. They realized these bands and the crazy people dancing and singing were worshiping Jesus. They looked on in wonder as these Christians were not condemning them. Instead, they were filled with joy, love, celebration and acceptance... in a sex club.
I will never forget the expression on the owner's face. His eyes were riveted on the bands and the people dancing and singing.
I absolutely HATE what the club facilitates today, but I absolutely LOVE this man. There was a softness there. His mental boxes were exploding. Internal walls were being circumvented in the spirit realm. (It probably didn't hurt that we emptied the place of Coca-Cola. About half-way through the night, they had completely sold out!)
There were four or five times throughout the night that the owner and I were able to chat. Mostly, I just smiled really big, looked him in the eyes struck up conversation with him. I thanked him for letting us bring the party to his place, asked him where he was from and how long he'd been in Thailand. We talked about the bands. "We usually have bands playing AC/DC and Led Zepplin," he said. "This is different, but this is good." He told me in amazement that one of the bands was from a town not far from where he was raised.
Toward the end of the night, Lonnie came up to me and said some of the women on our team thought the guys should pray for the owner. It was a great idea, so Lonnie and I went over to him. As he saw us approach, he quickly put away the Hookah. "Can we pray for you?" I asked. It was loud, so he put his head down so I could speak into his left ear. "Would it be ok if we prayed blessing over you?" I explained. He immediately said, "Oh, yes, yes!"
So, we laid our hands on his shoulders and prayed for him. He thanked us and I put my hand on his shoulder and thanked him again for letting us hang out at his place.
Jesus love's this man. Jesus died for this man. He is extending His unearned, unmerited favor to him. "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
Later, as we prayed together as a team in Cody and Amber's room, we prayed that this man would never be able to forget this night. We prayed that he would continue to have connection with the band from his homeland. We prayed that he would be irresistibly drawn to the love of God, that he would surrender and give his life to Jesus. We prayed that God would give him dreams and visions of a new businesses and a new life. We boldly prayed that these thoughts and dreams would come night after night until he yields to God's grace.
We prayed that his redeemed life would be the catalyst for the radical transformation of Walking Street and all of Pattaya. We prayed that God would prosper this man in those "clean" businesses and that God would use him to dramatically expand the kingdom of God.
Can you see it? It's my prayer that it will come to pass.
The women on our team spent most of the night interacting with a couple of the girls. One had been there for only 10 days. I think she said she was 44 years old and came to Pattaya from a village in Isan because she could not find any way to feed her two teenage children.
By the way, the girls/women did not engage us at all. I think they quickly realized that we were not there for the usual reasons.
As we said our good-byes, I was able to meet eyes with some of the girls/women, smile, waive and say "good-bye." It was heartbreaking. I hope in some way that it gave them hope that not all men in the world see them as worth a 200 Baht ($7 U.S.) night of abuse and selfishness.
--------------------------SWIMMING UPSTREAM--------------------------
This particular club was near the far end of Walking Street, so we had to slowly weave against the thick sea of people walking in the opposite direction in order to get back to our hotel. It was rather symbolic.
At this hour, sexual enticement was on full display, even two stories into the air. The lyrics blasting from some of the clubs was simply foul. Without speaking, Cheryl and I gripped hands and switched hands/sides depending on where the working girls were most protruding into the narrow street. At one point, the street was mostly blocked.
Cheryl was exhausted and undone before we even left the club. By the time we exited Walking Street, she was weeping. We walked along the beach front road and found it lined with girls/women for sale. We walked about five or six long blocks before turning up into the city toward the direction of our hotel. Considering how far it was from there to Soi 6, I suspect that the line of the oppressed continued for more than a mile.
I felt numb.
Twenty-four hours later, Cheryl described for me what she was feeling in those moments.
"I've never experienced that kind of darkness before. Soi 6 was different. I felt very protected there. It was a shorter timeframe and I was personally leading and participating for an hour rather than being immersed, observing and interceding in prayer for six hours.
On walking street, there was such a stark contrast between the darkness and the light. I could feel the deep loneliness and rejection that was within the girls, women and men alike and it was heartbreaking.
My spirit longed for fresh, breathable air. I felt like a person who had been underwater for too long and just had to get to the surface for air. Except, I didn't reach the surface until we all prayed together back at the hotel."
--------------------------SO, WHAT NOW?--------------------------
There is a great hope for Pattaya. His name is Jesus Christ.
As we fly home, we have so many things on our minds and in our hearts. Strip clubs and sex trafficking is in our backyard in Pennsylvania, too. Those clubs have owners like this one. There is brokenness on all sides of the equation in Pennsylvania, too. They need to encounter the love of our Heavenly Father, too, in the form of regular people like you and me.
So, what now? How will this experience change how we live? How will it impact how we prioritize our commitments, our schedules, our life of luxury and convenience? These are not questions that come from guilt. Rather, they are honest questions that call for honest answers.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Our final full day: Friday, November 16th. - Amber
What a day!
We began the day at city hall. As we showed up, the rain began to
pour. Literally, it sounded like skittles hitting tin! Everyone
cheered ... It was awesome! One of the 2 Holland teams closed out our
time together! How cool is it that worship bands from all over the
world are dedicated to come to this event and minister to this city!
Later this afternoon, we gathered to pray about the evening and ask
The Lord how he would direct. We decided (unanimously) who to bless
with our excess funds. We discussed what the evening may look like,
and we prayed power, love, and light into each of us from the spirit.
Then, it was go time. We headed over to the Utopia Bar on Walking
Street. We began with worshipping in this place. We bought drinks the
entire night and ran that place out of coke! Praise The Lord! The
music was wonderful, and again, women were dancing, singing, smiling
to the music! I made eye contact with a few but didn't strike up a
conversation. Mardell was drawn to one of the girls whose name was
Next, our group headed to the pier to bless Yo-Yo and Angel in their
ministry. They were brought to tears. They mentioned their desire to
ask last night about eating a meal together ... So we agreed on lunch
for Saturday before we leave!!!
Some of the women felt a release from needing to walk around and talk
with the girls on the streets, like we had talked about and prayed
about earlier. I hadn't yet felt that and began to ask God to show me
what He wanted for me.
We headed back to the Utopia Bar. When we returned, Guy came over to
Mardell and pulled her up on one of the couches. She signaled for all
of us to come as well. We followed. Soon after, a girl Sherry
connected wifh earlier, Jbab (means little chicken) joined us. The
majority of our time consisted of hanging out/singing worship
songs/learning about their stories/dancing together ... All while
sitting outside of the bar on wicker chairs. This lasted about 2
During this time, I was able to pray for and bless the women through
eye contacts and smiles. I felt a connection to one girl in particular
... I found out her name was Baa (meaning fish). We had a short
conversation (she had been there for 10 days and spoke only "hi" ,
"bye" and "no English" in English). I hope she received the blessing
of hope, joy, and love that I prayed over her throughout the exchanges
of smiles over the course of the night and our hand shakes.
I wanted to use every second to pour out God's love and freedom for
these girls. God showed me that I don't need to find and pray for
thousands of girls face-to-face. Rather, we are doing what He told us
... Loving and building relationships with these two precious
daughters. I know others were touched by His spirit in a rainbow of
ways. But these two we were able to invest in, share about Tamar,
fight for, protect, love! And none of this we take credit for! To God
be the glory!
Since I still felt led to prayer walk ... We walked down walking
street and beyond until we reached our hotel. I can't describe the
warfare, the sights, sounds, smells ... It was unlike anything I've
experienced. I asked God, "What is happening?" and found myself
searching for the end of the road. A massive wave of emotion ... The
change from a place of feeling God's love pour down through us and our
worship into the streets, to the realities of the evil that still
I felt the need to process together ... Since I didn't even comprehend
what was happening. We gathered, prayed, cried, and gave everything
back to our Savior. We trust and know His amazing grace, power, and
love can and will change this nation! - Amber
We began the day at city hall. As we showed up, the rain began to
pour. Literally, it sounded like skittles hitting tin! Everyone
cheered ... It was awesome! One of the 2 Holland teams closed out our
time together! How cool is it that worship bands from all over the
world are dedicated to come to this event and minister to this city!
Later this afternoon, we gathered to pray about the evening and ask
The Lord how he would direct. We decided (unanimously) who to bless
with our excess funds. We discussed what the evening may look like,
and we prayed power, love, and light into each of us from the spirit.
Then, it was go time. We headed over to the Utopia Bar on Walking
Street. We began with worshipping in this place. We bought drinks the
entire night and ran that place out of coke! Praise The Lord! The
music was wonderful, and again, women were dancing, singing, smiling
to the music! I made eye contact with a few but didn't strike up a
conversation. Mardell was drawn to one of the girls whose name was
Next, our group headed to the pier to bless Yo-Yo and Angel in their
ministry. They were brought to tears. They mentioned their desire to
ask last night about eating a meal together ... So we agreed on lunch
for Saturday before we leave!!!
Some of the women felt a release from needing to walk around and talk
with the girls on the streets, like we had talked about and prayed
about earlier. I hadn't yet felt that and began to ask God to show me
what He wanted for me.
We headed back to the Utopia Bar. When we returned, Guy came over to
Mardell and pulled her up on one of the couches. She signaled for all
of us to come as well. We followed. Soon after, a girl Sherry
connected wifh earlier, Jbab (means little chicken) joined us. The
majority of our time consisted of hanging out/singing worship
songs/learning about their stories/dancing together ... All while
sitting outside of the bar on wicker chairs. This lasted about 2
During this time, I was able to pray for and bless the women through
eye contacts and smiles. I felt a connection to one girl in particular
... I found out her name was Baa (meaning fish). We had a short
conversation (she had been there for 10 days and spoke only "hi" ,
"bye" and "no English" in English). I hope she received the blessing
of hope, joy, and love that I prayed over her throughout the exchanges
of smiles over the course of the night and our hand shakes.
I wanted to use every second to pour out God's love and freedom for
these girls. God showed me that I don't need to find and pray for
thousands of girls face-to-face. Rather, we are doing what He told us
... Loving and building relationships with these two precious
daughters. I know others were touched by His spirit in a rainbow of
ways. But these two we were able to invest in, share about Tamar,
fight for, protect, love! And none of this we take credit for! To God
be the glory!
Since I still felt led to prayer walk ... We walked down walking
street and beyond until we reached our hotel. I can't describe the
warfare, the sights, sounds, smells ... It was unlike anything I've
experienced. I asked God, "What is happening?" and found myself
searching for the end of the road. A massive wave of emotion ... The
change from a place of feeling God's love pour down through us and our
worship into the streets, to the realities of the evil that still
I felt the need to process together ... Since I didn't even comprehend
what was happening. We gathered, prayed, cried, and gave everything
back to our Savior. We trust and know His amazing grace, power, and
love can and will change this nation! - Amber
Our last night in Pattaya
It is hard for me to try to start writing this. All of the emotions that welled up inside of me last night. All of the anger, forgiveness, confession, empathy, impotence, sadness... Deep deep sadness.
We made it through the mall to Beach Road. There, we looked for a nearly empty songtao (these are the trucks with a big metal frame on the back, and two benches that run over each wheel well - it's how everyone gets around). We negotiated the price: "10 baht per person to Utopia bar?" The driver nods his head.
The emotional transition moving from that impotence, to deep sadness for the life of the bar girls - that's when I broke. I began hysterically crying in our room. Sherry prayed over us that we were walking with Jesus on a beach, glowing in white. I prayed in my head, "but Lord, what about the girls?" The Lord showed me Guy, a bar girl that Mardell had made a strong connection with, walking down the beach, holding Jesus hand, walking.
We gathered in our room to pray beforehand. Earlier in the day, after eating lunch as a group, I nonchalantly made the comment, "it's our last night here, so don't leave anything on the table." Walking through the mall to get to beach street, I am not sure any of us understood just what we were about to experience.
![]() |
I drank a coke and 4 sprites - our tickets to be there. The bar sold out of coke before the night was through! |
We drive two blocks to Walking Street. The songtaos are allowed to drive down walking street during the early hours of the evening. We enter walking street and slowly honk our way around delivery trucks, people walking, and street vendors. Soon amber sees it: Utopia Rock House.
We pay the driver as the DJ sets up his system. A few Pattaya praise teams had been given permission to play here. The owner, Steve, is from Northern Ireland, just like one of the bigger bands.
I'm just going to have to skip to our debrief time after the night was over. Amber suggested we gather to debrief and pray before bed. Mardell called it, "get cleaned," which really resonated with me. I started to gather us in the downstairs lobby for a quick prayer circle, but we quickly realized that wasn't going to work. In our room, as a group, tears quickly began to pour. We wept.
As soon as I entered our room, I felt a strong desire to wash my hands.
The women in our group had spent almost the entire night hanging out with the bar girls. They had made deep connections with 2 of them. They had invested their hearts in these girls hearts. We men had prayed for what we saw happening the entire evening. We prayed for the women from our team, for the customers arriving, for the bar owners, for Pattaya - for the bar girls. I didn't realize how broken my heart was until we sat down in the room.
I first confessed my anger to the group. It had gone from 'righteous anger' to hatred, and I needed to be forgiven. It was the transition from that emotion, to the severe impotence I felt sitting in the bar. Anywhere in PA, if I was on a bar, and saw a man treating a woman like that, I would ask him to stop. I would make him stop. Here, I sat there praying. I tried to remember that this is her job, but that only made it worse.
This image in my mind didn't make the pain to away. For awhile, it made it worse. That image was in such stark contrast to the images I had been seeing all evening that it took quit some time for the dissonance to be worked out.
This is my prayer for Pattaya and the world, please pray it with me:
Our Dad in heaven, set apart is your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. I declare that no man in the world will come to Pattaya to buy a woman. That the world will be filled with good men, with good hearts. Please help me to teach men to teach men how to be good men. I declare that this city, Pattaya, becomes a center of worship for Jesus Christ. That this city would be known throughout the world as the city that worships Jesus.
We leave today at 1:30 after lunch with Yolanda and Angel who work in Isan in the area of prevention. Our flight leaves from Bangkok at 8:40 your Saturday morning.
Thank you so much for your prayers - we have surely felt them and continue to feel them and rely on God.
As others send me their perspectives of our last night here, I will post them, and you will get different angles.
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